
Prepaid Data Roaming FAQ

Q01: What is Afghan Wireless Prepaid Data Roaming?

It is a new service for Afghan Wireless customers who travels from Afghanistan to the below listed countries and carries Afghan Wireless SIM card with them to use internet.

The below table describes the reasonable tariff.

S/No Roaming country Price (AFN/10 KB)
1 Germany 19
2 India 9
3 Saudi Arabia 14
4 Tajikistan 11
5 Turkey 14
6 United Arab Emirates 13
7 United Kingdom 14
8 United States 15
9 Uzbekistan 9
10 Iran 3

Q02: Who can use Afghan Wireless Prepaid Data Roaming?

All Afghan wireless prepaid customers.

Q03: Can I use my current data bundle when I am in roaming?

No, only standard price (pay as you go) is applicable.

Q04: When can i use Prepaid Data Roaming?

You can use once you are outside of Afghanistan to the listed 10 countries.

Q05: How to subscribe to this service?

Customers should call 152 for activation.

Q06: I am a postpaid subscriber can I avail the service?

No, only prepaid customer can use this service.

Q07: Can I use this service in my dongle?

Yes, you can.

Q08: Do the Prepaid Data Roaming affect the voice roaming service?


Q9: Can i use voice roaming and data roaming at the same time?


Q10: How can i deactivate Prepaid Data Roaming?

Call customer care at 152 and de-activate this service.

Q11: What should i do when I am out of balance?

You can recharge your balance through Tohfa online recharge service.

Here is the website link:

HD VOICE apple certified superwifi 4G

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