About Us

Social Responsibility

As the Afghan leader in mobile telephone, Afghan Wireless has had a longstanding commitment and legacy of leadership in acting responsibility and contributing to the growth & wellness of Afghans everywhere.

At Afghan Wireless, we recognize and fulfill the obligations we have towards our team, customers, suppliers, competitors and the community as a whole. We believe our reputation, together with the trust and confidence of those with whom we deal, is one of our most valuable assets. And, in order to keep this reputation and trust, we demand and maintain the highest ethical standards in carrying out our business activities.

1. Our Organization

1.1 Customers

We strongly believe that integrity in dealing with customers is a prerequisite for a successful and sustained business relationship.

We operate a highly effective and efficient organization, focused on meeting customer objectives. Our aim is to provide mobile and broadband services which give fair value and consistent quality, reliability and safety in return for fair reward. We operate policies of continual improvement, of both processes and the skills of our staff, to take best advantage of advances in technology. This safeguards our operations for the future, ensuring that we continue to add value to our customers’ businesses.

1.2 Environment

Afghan Wireless believes that, by their nature, our operations have a minimal impact on the environment. However, we acknowledge that there are inevitable environmental impacts associated with any organization’s daily operations. We aim to minimize any harmful effects and consider the development and implementation of environmental standards to achieve this to be of great importance.

In the course of our operations, we seek to identify opportunities to reduce consumption of energy, water and other natural resources. We also strive to re-use and recycle where possible and dispose of non-recyclable items responsibly, thereby minimizing our impact on the environment.

2. Our Employees

2.1 Realizing potential

Afghan Wireless’ values are based upon a number of important principles and capture qualities that each employee is encouraged to embody as an essential part of our success:

  • Expertise
  • Assure quality and drive innovation
  • Listen to learn from each other – champion continuous improvement
  • Be accountable – keep commitments
  • Customer Focus
  • Share our vision; share our passion
  • Strive for our customers’ profitability and satisfaction
  • Be a trusted global partner
  • Respect
  • Think and act as a team
  • Optimize the value of our global community
  • Deliver results and celebrate success

Developing our capabilities, delivering value to our customers throughout Afghanistan, and securing long-term profitable growth is founded on releasing the potential of our employees.

We actively support the development of our staff in a number of ways including formalized employee development discussions and structured programs for personal and professional development. It is linked to the transfer, exchange and creation of knowledge to our strategic corporate objectives and therefore the power behind the ongoing innovation of Afghan Wireless’ products, services and processes.

2.2 A meritocracy

As a diverse company, we embrace diversity and respect for different cultures and local requirements. Employees of both genders, from different nations, cultures, ethnic groups, generations and backgrounds contribute their skills and different perspectives to improving our solutions and delivering to our customers.

2.3 Health and safety

We aim to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees, outside contractors and visitors, not only on Afghan Wireless premises, but also for those staff and contractors working on client sites. The company aims to comply with all relevant local legislation or regulations, and best practice guidelines recommended by national health and safety authorities. We also liaise with staff regarding our policies and practices so that we can continue to maintain a healthy, safe and enjoyable environment.

3. The Bayat Foundation

3.1 The Foundation’s Goal

Since 2006, the Bayat Foundation has helped rebuild Afghanistan as well as deliver hope and support to the neediest and most at-risk Afghans. By providing food and clothing; maternity care for women before and during childbirth and to newborn babies; orphan care and education; competitive sports to challenge the youth; and entrepreneurship programs for widows, women and youth, the Foundation’s goal is to rekindle a healthy and hopeful base so that all Afghans have the opportunity to prosper.

Each of these Bayat Foundation programs is generously supported by a number of individual donors from many countries around the world.

To ensure quality in each of its core programs, the Bayat Foundation seeks – and is responsive to – input from the local community in the preliminary planning phase and throughout implementation.

Bayat Foundation assistance and aid is provided to the needy, displaced, orphaned and handicapped in Afghanistan regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or religion.

3.2 Caring for Families in Need

The Family Sponsorship and Winter Aid programs were launched in 2008 and continue to this day.  Through the Family Sponsorship program, donors have the opportunity to support a family with a modest $50 donation per month to cover necessities.  In many cases, family sponsorship means that the children are able to attend school rather than beg in the streets for food.  Each year – during the coldest months – food, warm clothing, and thousands of blankets are delivered by Bayat Foundation personnel through the Winter Aid program to Afghan people living in the remote provinces.

3.3 Maternal and Newborn Care

In the last few years, the Bayat Foundation has constructed health care facilities in eight provinces throughout Afghanistan where formal pregnant and maternal care options did not previously exist.  These facilities, which include maternity clinics and 10 – 150 bed hospitals, now serve hundreds of thousands of women per year free of charge.  The availability and quality of the medical care made available through the Bayat Foundation has helped to reduce the mortality rate for women and newborns throughout Afghanistan.

3.4 Education/Schools & Orphanages

The Bayat Foundation has remodeled and refurbished classrooms and dormitories, provided school supplies, constructed new schools and orphanages, libraries and a sports stadium to enable learning and achievement for boys and girls in an orderly and safe environment and to address a nation challenged by illiteracy by educating one student at a time.

The Bayat Foundation helps to educate the Afghan people through public service announcements about personal hygiene, food preparation, respect for youth and elders, and other human rights issues.

3.5 Sports

The Bayat Foundation has sponsored distance running, bicycle races and walk-a-thons to inspire the youth with competitive and team building experiences, and the first Afghan Olympic medal winner with a training grant.

3.6 Water

More and more people in Afghanistan now have access to clean water through Bayat Foundation deep well-digging initiatives.

3.7 Emergency Relief/Disaster Response

The Bayat Foundation has assisted the victims of floods and avalanche by providing food, clothing, medical aid, and other essential support in the aftermath of such disasters.

3.8 Empowering Women Grants

In 2010 the Bayat Foundation launched the Empowering Women Grant and awarded one each in the amount of $10,000 to expand their activities:

  • BPeace
  • Justice for All Organization
  • Women for Women International

3.9 Public/Private Partnerships

The Bayat Foundation hosted the first Afghan Symposium for Humanitarian and Leadership Engagement in June 2009 in Washington, DC attended by 125 leaders from the U.S.A., Canada and Afghanistan.   Under the leadership of the Bayat Foundation, the Afghan Trusted Network project was then launched and is supported daily by League for Hope and NC4 Corporation to encourage collaboration between humanitarian and other leadership organizations for quality of life and livelihoods for the people of Afghanistan.


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